If Only I Had Known This Ahead Of Time
I was tagged for this meme by Jeffraham. If I had been aware of that 30 minutes ago, I wouldn't have had to ramble on and on about Erik Estrada and Muncie. This whole must-write-at-least-once-a-day thing is so much easier when you're tagged for a meme.
[For the record, I like to steer clear of the obvious when hunting blogideas. That being said, you'll read no Pearl Harbor Day ramblings from me. ]
So here goes my Three Things

Scare me: Clowns; black ice; student nurses trying to put in an IV when I'm dehydrated
People who make me laugh: James Thurber; my husband; Rex L. Camino
I love: My dogs; the alphabet; libraries
I hate: People who see that the lane they're presently in is closed for construction in X feet, yet speed all the way past everyone doing the right thing and merge at the last minute; blow-in subscription cards in magazines; cheap yarn
I don't understand: String theory; time-travel paradoces; storehouse tithing
Things on my desk:Stuffed monkeys (6); stuffed pigs (2); lava lamp that needs a new bulb
I'm doing right now: Filling out this survey; bouncing my right leg out of habit; coughing up a lung
I want to do before I die: Finish my novel; be a parent; fully understand string theory
I can do: Knit; type; teach people to read
I can't do:Sing; drive long distances; see without STRONG glasses
I think you should listen to: Learning To Flinch by Warren Zevon; The New World Symphony by Dvorak; Bat Out Of Hell by Jim Steinman & Meat Loaf
You should NEVER listen to: Celebrity relationship advice; Metal Machine Music by Lou Reed; Starlight Express by Andrew Lloyd Weber
I'd like to learn: A better grasp on theoretical physics; Mandarin; how to rebuild an engine
Favorite foods: Cheese; asparagus; Cadbury Eggs
Beverages I drink regularly: Water; Boylan's Black Cherry Soda; Minute Maid Light Lemonade
Shows I watched as a kid: Happy Days; Laverne & Shirley; the network news
I guess that's it for me. And I think this time I'll actually tag some people. My three tags are:
Mari; saraclark and William Shatner's boy
great list :)
what's "storehouse tithing"?
String theory: just remember the answer is '42', the rest is all fluff.
I nervously bounce my leg. It annoys my wife to no end.
Mandarin? Wow.
Extra points if you remember what night of the week Happy Days and Laverne & Shirley came on. [sticks up one thumb] AAAAAAYYYYY!
Tuesday. ;-p
Amy: Storehouse tithing is the teaching that all tithe should be given directly to the church, which will then distribute the monies as they see fit. Several denomination favour this.
So exactly how afraid of clowns are you? Is this a "creeps me out" thing, or a "leaves me sobbing in the corner" thing?
Definitely a sobbing-in-the-corner thing. Definitely.
To me, clowns=death.
Y'all are welcome to play the random music game, too, if'n yer bored.
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