02 February, 2006

Before The Parade Passes By

With Fred and the kin loadin' up the truck and swinging by our way, it's time to dust off the old blog posts and remind everyone that Fred Phelps disavows Christianity and is writing alternative scriptures.

On a similar note, please pray for the three men injured at Puzzles bar when a young man attacked them with a hatchet and a gun. Mr. Perry, Mr. Rosado, Mr. Taylor and their loved ones are in my prayers.


At 12:47 AM, February 03, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think we should also pray for Mr. Phelps.

At 1:05 AM, February 03, 2006, Blogger Kat Coble said...

Oh, believe me. I do.

At 11:24 AM, February 03, 2006, Blogger Dan the Baptist said...

I must have had my head in the sand on this guy or soemthing. But until last night I had never heard if him. I went to both of his sites and read just about everything on them and I came away thinking that this guy is a nut. Man he blasted everybody. He blasted the SB, Jerry Falwell. He said that Reggie White and Fred Rogers are in hell. He has no right to say any of this stuff. The funny thing is he somehow thinks he is in the Lord's will with all this hate stuff. I agree with both of you we need to pray for this cold hearted man.

At 11:32 AM, February 03, 2006, Blogger Kat Coble said...

Pastor Dan, you're certainly lucky to have made it this far without hearing word of Fred Phelps. He picketed our church last year. I can't even remember why...some stupid thing like we feed the homeless or something.

At 11:36 AM, February 03, 2006, Blogger Dan the Baptist said...

It is plain and simple that this man is leading a Cult. The more I read the more I see that it is only family members that seem to be followers.

Just your church allow gays to be members? Jusy asking to see if that is why he was there

At 11:41 AM, February 03, 2006, Blogger Kat Coble said...

Repentant homosexuals, yes. (First Baptist Nashville...)

At 11:59 AM, February 03, 2006, Blogger Dan the Baptist said...

AMEN Sister! Repentant Gay's will see the Kngdom of Heaven. I just posted an entry aboput Phelps and I linked to your page I hope that is OK. I also wrote my feelings about the salvation of Gays and you and I agree

At 4:29 PM, February 03, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I used to attend Two Rivers, the church had a counseling program to help people who were struggling or overcoming homosexuality. It was a good, completely confidential program conducted by the pastoral counselor, who had a masters in Psychology, as well as a seminary degree.

Phelps and his gang picketed the church one Sunday because of this program. I think the staff offered them coffee. I know that they were prayed for.

And I thought Two Rivers was a right wing church :)


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