Movie Questions & Observations
¶ Yes, I've said this before, yet it still bugs me so I'll say it again. When I have paid to rent the video from DJs or Netflix, or bought the DVD at Target, what makes "Hollywood" think that I'm the person who needs to see the preachy "Pirated Movies Are DoublePlusBad!!!!11!!!" trailer? Aren't they preaching to the choir? Am I supposed to derive some sort of smuggery? "Ah, yes. I have paid coin of the realm for this fine jester's japes! Fie on the blackguards who dare steal bread from these humble players' gobs!"
¶ Sacrilege to say in this town of all places, but I've finally seen Walk The Line, or as I like to call it, Ray--except with white people. Don't get me wrong. It's a fine movie no matter which poor boy with a dead brother grows up to be a drug-addled musical genius with major relationship issues. Who buys a really big house to impress his loved ones. And pops out a bushel of kids.
¶ Since I haven't seen a movie in the theatre since December 24th, 2005, will anyone even notice if I boycott The Da Vinci Code? Not that I was intentionally planning on it. I still think I'd like to see the film, as I've read the book and find myself engaging in discussions about it all the time. (That happens when you're a Bible hobbyist.) But then there's the problem of my saving for a new monitor and having grown increasingly annoyed by Tom Hanks' smuggery. So I'm in the odd position of waiting to see the movie when it shows up on my Tivo Suggestions list in 13 months for the most mundane reasons, yet looking like I'm part of a Movement Of Concerned People.
¶ Why did Crash win Best Picture? I was able to make it through exactly four minutes of artsy blurred footage, stilted, heavy-handed dialogue and Jennifer Esposito before exiling it to the Recently Deleted folder. In whose world is this a movie worth the highest praise?
¶ I've just reread Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix. How on EARTH are they going to make that into one movie?
Aren't they preaching to the choir? Am I supposed to derive some sort of smuggery? "Ah, yes. I have paid coin of the realm for this fine jester's japes! Fie on the blackguards who dare steal bread from these humble players' gobs!"
See, you can whack all that crap when you use DVDShrink to make your "eval copy" of the DVD. ;)
I'm a Crash fan, but it's been so long since I've seen it, I don't exactly remember why. Probably because of the woven story lines (which is probably why I'm a "Lost" fan too.)
Ray--except with white people. Don't get me wrong. It's a fine movie no matter which poor boy with a dead brother grows up to be a drug-addled musical genius with major relationship issues. Who buys a really big house to impress his loved ones. And pops out a bushel of kids.
ROFL!!! I'm feeling a bit snarky today, so that just really made laugh!
Okay. If two guys I really respect think that Crash was decent, I may have to re-TiVo it and sit through more than just the beginning.
But I'll hold you responsible if I hate it.
Malia, I'm SOOO glad to know I'm not the only one feeling snarky today. ;-p
I don't have DVDShrink. I've got HandBrake. Which is fine but it takes about a hundred years to rip my DVDs to MP3s for iPod Video use. Okay, I exaggerate. The last one-hour DVD it reencoded took 5 hours.
So, at that rate I'm not hurrying out to rip many DVDs.
I thought I was the only one that realized that it's quicker to actually watch a damn DVD than to rip it to your iPod with Handbrake.
And I'm trying to do that with DVD's I actually own! Arrested Development on the iPod is a great way to kill 20 minutes in line somewhere if you don't mind people staring at you while you giggle.
Crash is a giant Scientologist conspiracy. They're trying to brainwash all of us with all their high falllutin hollywood hocus pocus.
As for Order of the Phoenix, it's going to be SEVERELY cut. It will NOT resemble the book in ANY way because it will be so horrendously chopped up.
After re-watching Goblet of Fire, I really liked it but as a SEPARATE entity from its much juicier literary cousin.
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