Something About This Is Appalling

That's Entertainment!
I hate it when people pimp the Shoah for profit. But hey, it's Oprah! and Sweeps! So let's go to Oswiecim and get closeups of her tearing up. Maybe she'll even chat with her good buddy Steve Speilberg.
Somehow when she announced Night as her bookclub selection I felt this Oprah® Brings You The Holocaust coming on. But this? Never expected this.
Just like when Tyra Banks put on a fat suit for a day and then sat with 3 obese girls and sobbed, saying "I felt your pain."
Fork. In. Eye.
Yep. It's pretty disgusting. I stopped watching Oprah when I got a day job. Wait...I didn't watch her when I had a night job. Strike that.
Next it'll be, "Jerry Springer - broadcasting live from the Garden of Gesthemane!!!"
Oh, for one well-placed lightning bolt...
"Tony Danza at Jamestown!"
"Regis and Kelly LIVE! from Rwanda!"
Did she have a segment on this show where she prepares martinis?!?! She seems to be showing her prowess for bartending more and more which leads me to think Opery likes her drinky.
Makes me wish I could stuff Oprah into a time machine.
Her weight "problems" would come into sharp focus after a month in circa 1944 Buchenwald.
Sorry about your buddy Gail being turned into soap and a lampshade, O. Time travel IS fraught with peril.
I knew I despised Oprah for a good reason.
I admit that when I first saw that I laughed.
The morbid absurdity of Oprah's ubiquitous smiling mug next to the word Auschwitz was just too much.
What can you expect from her drug-addled mind?
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