05 January, 2007


Some people are of the opinion that last night's My Name Is Earl was the best thing ever. I would wholeheartedly agree if not for last night's The Office. **spoilers**

Honestly, there was so much ground that was covered, and covered so funnily that I don't know where to begin with the praise.

--Ed Helms is the perfect blend of Dwight and Michael in a new and fantastically annoying character.

--The Rasta beads in Michael's hair were both ridiculous and completely in character.

--Pam's love for Jim is evident. The advice followed with the crying is definitely a place I've been in my life a couple of times.

--I was thrilled to see Jim & Karen not getting along. Sorry all you J&TB!K fans out there.

--"So you're PMSing pretty bad, huh?"


At 2:35 PM, January 05, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was hoping you saw those episodes last night, too. Laughter is the best medicine! Am I the only one who thinks Kevin is more than a little disturbing?! Taking that poster home for "art" on his walls!

At 2:39 PM, January 05, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I could make a chainsaw "sound" by typing, I would totally be doing that right now.

At 10:29 AM, January 08, 2007, Blogger Jen said...

The Jim/Pam thing...oh, I totally agree. Been there, done that. I'm not-so-secretly glad Jim's new romance isn't working out.

And Michael's hair beads almost - almost - made me pee my pants laughing.

At 4:06 AM, September 10, 2010, Anonymous watches said...

Been there, done that. I'm not-so-secretly glad Jim's new romance isn't working out.


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