28 June, 2005

Thursday, The Movie

I TiVo'd The Day After Tomorrow in a thirst for a good disaster movie. Which this wasn't, but I was desperate.

All the good "disaster" takes place within the first third of the movie, and is intercut with long (!) scenes of meetings (!!!). After that the movie turns from a disaster/war pic into a survival movie. The highlight was watching mathletes holed up in the NYC public library and burning books to stay alive. I have a weird inability to watch people burn books, no matter what the reason. (The fact that the movie is written and directed by a German doesn't make the whole book-burning thing go down easier.)

While I had myriad problems with the bad science, bad adventure and geopolitical nonsense by far the most irksome part was the scene where two minor characters discuss the "fact" that Friedrich Nietzsche was the greatest living thinker of the nineteenth century. Please. Nietzsche is the pet philosopher of lonely boys in their mothers' basements and frustrated postcard painters in Vienna. Yeah, yeah, I know that what doesn't kill me makes me look into the abyss or whatever but please. I tend to think that a century which gave us Kierkegaard and Hegel does not deserve to be so maligned.

The only characters I cared about by the end of the movie--the bum'sstreet person's dog and the Gutenberg Bible--survived.

Bibliophile Side Note: The movie asserts that the copy of the Gutenberg Bible in the Rare Books Room at the NYPL is the "only surviving copy." There are actually 48 in existence presently , with many far south enough to have avoided the cataclysm in the movie.

And the copy in the RBR NYPL has two volumes, not one.


At 11:48 PM, June 28, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Green Party freaks. I have my doubts about the global climate changing in the blink of an eye.

Burning books is a bit too much. Hopefully they only got the tripe like Danielle Steele.

My advice for a good disaster movie: Poseidon Adventure.

"In the water I'm a very skinny lady... [heart attack]" What's better than watching good actors act badly and then die?

At 10:29 AM, June 29, 2005, Blogger Kat Coble said...

At what point in life is Shelley Winters a good actor?!?!?

At 4:05 PM, March 28, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Technically, not the "blink of an eye." The Younger Dryas apparently took ten years to settle in, and three to end.

OTOH, I think that's pretty good for a major climate shift and 1300-year cold snap - especially since it includes a change in ocean levels of many, many, many feet.

The time change was apparently identified by ice core studies - it's worth reading Survival of the Sickest for the ancillary information - and the entertaining, informative writing.


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