Notes To The World
1. If you are coming here from a google search, allow me to say that I appreciate you stopping by, but I have no inside scoop on whether or not Ron Dies in Book 7. I have hopes and I have theories, but that's all they are. Please feel free to leave me your hopes and theories. If you are JKR and reading this because you are sick of writing so you're searching the web for conversation about your book please know this: DO NOT KILL RON OR GINNY. Please. Thank you.
2. Who cares if Wal-Mart sells the morning-after pill or not? It's their business. Let them sell or not sell whatever they choose. If you don't like it, don't shop there.
3. If you don't know by now that Brokeback Mountain is a movie about two gay cowboys, then you have been living in a cave. If you don't like it, don't go see it. Just as Wal-Mart has a right to sell or not sell what they want, so does Hollywood. Your right as an American is to choose to consume or not consume the products on offer.
Just remember that in this day and age protest=free advertising for the opposition. So, if you hate it so bad, don't inadvertantly give it free press.
4. The RAM chip I bought from MacAuthority is bad. MacAuthority is on my nerves. If you want a Mac, get it just about anywhere else.
5. Feminsim used to be about freedom, but apparently it's now about joining the right club. Excuse me if I find my loyalties to my husband and family to be stronger than my duty to some faux club to which I only belong because of my ovaries. I chose to be a wife instead of a lawyer, and I made that choice proudly. If I felt that the Sisterhood did anything for me besides hold me in continuous contempt for making that choice then I might regret it. But obviously they don't, so I don't.
6. Battlestar Galactica better not blow chunks tonight, because I need some escapist space opera.
7. Why isn't Babylon 5 in syndication anymore?
8. I would like some really good peanut butter pie.
9. I cannot stand Gore Vidal in the slightest. He is an ass.
5. My response to that post was, "WTF?"
6. You think BSG is escapist? It reminds me a lot of our current world. But it's damn good TV.
7. Because you can get it on DVD.
6. It's escapist but not, so it's good escapist. Because they're like us only not. Or something like that.
7. I'm savin' up, but those DVDs are awfully pricey.
And yes, I'm scouting eBay.
I got them when they came out and were "cheaper". Almost as wonderful to have as the BSG ones.
"Excuse me if I find my loyalties to my husband and family to be stronger than my duty to some faux club to which I only belong because of my ovaries."
Ooh, sounds like you joined that club for the wrong reason.
You seriously thought that was funny? Cause I didn't. It wasn't meant to be funny. It was meant to be me saying that I didn't like the last episode. It well, as you know, blew chunks.
You are soooo funny and you wrote "blow chunks"... 'Bout made me blow chunks as I gasped for air to release the next loud roar of laughter.
Netflix. I watched the whole series up to about 3 weeks ago.
Last night's episode was ok, but it was getting a little too soap-opera-y.
You can get B5 on Netflix? Seriously? I think I may be signing back up.
No, you can get BattleStar Galactica on dvd. Why watch B5, when there are no hot cylon chicks?
Ha, ha! I've got all of B5 on DVD. Well, OK, I've got all of it but Crusade on DVD.
And I got all of mine used and it's all in good condition.
I know some places...I can hook you up.
Oh yeah..and you can rent all five seasons of B5 from Blockbuster on-line.
E-mail me....
I despise Gore Vidal. Did you see him on the Lincoln show? He was a jerk. He portrayed a lot of unproven nonsense as as accepted fact simply because he wants it to be true.
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