18 July, 2006

Someone You Just Don't Like

A while back, Aunt B. asked us if we start off people at 100 and let them sink in our estimation, a la that Michelle-Pfeiffer-In-The-Hood movie or if we start people off at 0--forcing them to prove themselves.

I've always been a 100 kind of gal. And I've always been amazed at how some people slide down the estimometer like a greased fire pole. But recently I met a person who plummetted to zero so fast that they should be employed by the space program. I'll narrow it down and admit that this person is a man, if only because I don't feel like playing fast and loose with a fistfull of non-gender pronouns.

I've been aware of this guy for some time. Fate, it would seem, has kept us from intersecting paths for many years. Until now. And now, for reasons that I can't explain, I would really feel better if I could just break his jaw. That's probably the least Christian thing I could say, unless you add "with a tire iron" to the end of the sentence.

The really bad part of all this fantasy-maiming is that it is so difficult to articulate just why I can't stand this dude. Well, I could articulate it, and then everyone who knows him would know it was he I was talking about. Then they'd send me private emails that say "hey! Broken-Jaw Dude isn't so bad! I find him charming."

That's the trouble, folks. Of course you find him charming. You're supposed to. That seems to be how he skates by on his laziness and how he masks his basic inconsiderateness for other people. Even worse than his constant "hailfellowwelmet" forced geniality is his hyperactivity. He's just one of those guys that I would SWEAR snorts coke in the men's room between meetings. You know the type--fired from every other job but this one. And the bosses here don't want to hurt the feelings of his uncle or his wife or his small kids so they keep him on and turn a blind eye to his crap.

(thank you, blogger, for allowing me a safe way to deal with my rage issues.)


At 4:10 PM, July 18, 2006, Blogger Emmitt said...

There was a really annoying guy that I knew in college and virtually everyone that I knew could not stand him. The most annoying thing about him was that he really wasn't a bad guy so you couldn't just hate him. He was just annoying.

At 4:45 PM, July 18, 2006, Blogger Kat Coble said...

No, it's not the "lazy" and "hyperactive" that drives me nuts.

It's the PHONY. The "Hey! I'm a Great Guy, don't you think?!"

At 5:38 PM, July 18, 2006, Blogger Kat Coble said...

I just wasn't online! Don't go!


We have thunderstorms.

That means that I was away from the computer sedating the dogs.

At 5:45 PM, July 18, 2006, Blogger Jamie said...

I've shared my airspace with plenty of people I couldn't stand, but couldn't exactly name why.

I hate that feeling, and still can't stand those people.

At 5:50 PM, July 18, 2006, Blogger Newscoma said...

I'm not a guy so I think I'm safe.
Actually, I have this happen everyday and sometimes I get tired of being diplomatic.

At 6:46 PM, July 18, 2006, Blogger Kat Coble said...

No, it wasn't at all about you. This person is not a blogger, if that helps! ;-p

At 8:11 PM, July 18, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesus, Huck. Until she got to the part about it being a guy at work, I thought she was talking about me.

Or you.

At 8:45 PM, July 18, 2006, Blogger Kat Coble said...

Seriously, guys, I'm pretty big on telling people when they bug me. That's part of what's bugging me about this guy. I don't know him well enough to justify saying "DUDE! You ARE A JERK!"

Whereas I think with both you guys any time I've had a problem with you I've been pretty open about it.

And I really don't have problems with you guys on a visceral level. It's like maybe one time you've said something that bugged me and I was like "well, that bugged." but that's it.

This guy....the very fibre of my being vibrates with ick whenever he walks by.

At 10:14 PM, July 18, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I know exactly what you mean. I feel the same way about George Bush.

At 7:06 AM, July 19, 2006, Blogger grandefille said...

... the very fibre of my being vibrates with ick whenever he walks by.

I'm going to print that out (properly attributed, of course), put it in my Day-Timer and refer to it on a regular basis when my Certifiable Co-Irker invades my space with her self-righteous stank. When I go back to work, that is. Hee.

At 11:01 AM, July 19, 2006, Blogger Michael Hickerson said...

I had no idea you hated me so...

Oh wait...you mean it's not all about me?!?

At 6:36 AM, July 20, 2006, Blogger Emmitt said...

I thought you might be talking about kleinfelter or something. The guy you said was an ass.


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