So. Should I Be Freaked Out?
Well, a few weeks ago I decided to write about Gwen Shamblin and my experience with Weigh Down Workshop. Every word of that blog entry was truthful. It was purely my experience. Nothing more than a recap of events.
However, the post has taken on a life of its own out in Web World. Several people read it each day, and it still gets comments. Now the comment section is populated with various anonymous folks talking about their experiences with the Remnant Fellowship. I've also received emails from people who want my help getting their relatives out of Remnant.
Now, today, I see that I have at least one reader from The Weigh Down Workshop. And I'll be honest. With their track record for suing people, I'm a bit freaked out. Of course I said nothing libellous in the original entry. Who knows, though. I'm still freaked out by it. Especially by the fact that they googled "mycropht coble". Like the Highlander, there can be only one of those....

Maybe you should automatically close comments on posts a few weeks old.
I did not know you could do that...
Well, you can on most blogging platforms. I couldn't say about blogger, though ... Fisher Price and all.
Just think, if you had also mentioned Scientologists in a negative light in the same post, you could just move into the courthouse.
Its amazing, the similarities.
I've had that same search...
I don't think you can close comments on Blogger posts. The only option would be to individually delete comments.
Lol! i was looking at your sitemeter referral thingy..its kinda funny that most of your traffic comes from google search on "Daniel Radcliffe Penis "!!
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Well written! I have to admit that it's a very informative article.
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