01 April, 2006

April Fools

I hate April Fools jokes. Every year from the time I was 5 my father woke us up on the morning of April 1st to see the cow in the front yard. We've long since caught on, but he persists.

In honour of April Fool , I'm highlighting some of the funniest people I've ever enjoyed. Please note that none of them are French. The French sense of humour sucks.

The French call April 1 Poisson d'Avril, or "April Fish." French children sometimes tape a picture of a fish on the back of their schoolmates, crying "Poisson d'Avril" when the prank is discovered.

See what I mean? How stupid is that?

Anyway, back to the main point.

The Cast of Are You Being Served?

Yes, I love this show. The jokes are old, but in a way they're like a familiar pair of comfy slippers. That make you laugh.

James Thurber

Quite possibly the funniest person to have lived in the last 100 years, in my opinion. If you've never read Thurber, you've missed one of the most joyous experiences you can have with clothes on.

Richard Curtis and Ben Elton

Together they created the lightening-in-a-bottle laugh riot Blackadder II-IV. (The first Blackadder, done without Elton, is funny, but not nearly as much as the others.) If I haven't yet turned you on to Blackadder, allow me to do so now. Bonus for all you Laurie-Come-Lately women: Hugh has featured roles in III and IV, and guests in some episodes in II.
Bonus for all you Dr. Who fans (ie. Michael and John): Tom Baker appears as a drunken sea captain in II.

So if you're in the mood for a larf, kick back with one of these--and avoid the French.


At 1:32 PM, April 01, 2006, Blogger John said...

Given the sudden popularity of "House," I keep wondering when someone is going to trot out the "Masterpiece Theatre" adaptations of Wodehouse with Hugh Laurie as Bertie Wooster and Steven Fry as Jeeves. Bertie is about as far away from Greg House as one can get, and it would make a curious contrast.

Unfortunately, "Ask Jeeves" would no longer be available as a corporate underwriter, having renamed itself.

At 2:28 PM, April 01, 2006, Blogger Kat Coble said...

Those are, quite frankly, my favourite Hugh Laurie performances by a long shot. (Blackadder being a close second.)

When we were watching House regularly, Hugh would sit down to play the piano for some poignant, reflective scenes.

I so badly wanted him to break into a chorus of "47 Ginger-Headed Sailors."

At 7:55 AM, April 03, 2006, Blogger Michael Hickerson said...

On let's not forget the best reason to tune in. Nicola Bryant who appeared as Peri in the classic show and...well, warped my teenage years....guest stars on the show as well as a lusty woman.



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