31 May, 2006

The Buckstar Show

Once again I'm hooked on Last Comic Standing. Has there ever been a reality show with a more checkered past? Well, considering that this is reality TV, probably.

Still, I'm betting none are this intentionally funny.

I'm glad to see that they've given more audience participation at the ground level. Hopefully it will end up in more newbies. The one thing that has always gotten me about LCS is that at the end of the day it isn't breaking in new stars like American Idol, it's just giving established comedians a broader platform. In AI terms, it's quite like that show reimagined with regional lounge singers competing for the top honors. There are quite a few good novice comedians who've gotten passed over.

Still, it's a great summer show and worth it's weight in laughs.


For more on BuckStar, go here. I've done a bit more research.


At 1:30 AM, May 31, 2006, Blogger Lee said...

Can't fall asleep. Me neither. Bleegh.

At 6:23 AM, May 31, 2006, Blogger John said...

I've never really watched LCS, but when I had it on for a while last night I immediately saw Bil Dwyer, who has hosted numerous TV shows (including, but not limited to, "Battlebots" on Comedy Central; a very funny game show called "Dirty Rotten Cheater"; and the current version of "I've Got A Secret" on GSN), and Doug Benson, whom I watch every week on VH1's "Best Week Ever." These are already familiar names and faces to me, and it seems strange to see them competing in this kind of format.

At 8:22 AM, May 31, 2006, Blogger Patrick said...

I'm totally hooked too. Kaitlin Columbo should have made it.

"Oh my gosh, your Dad's gay? I wish my dad was gay!"

"My dad wishes your Dad was gay too!"

I'm slowly Tivoing through the first show... watched L.A. and Tempe.

#1 best thing about season #4, Jay Mohr is history.

At 8:58 AM, May 31, 2006, Blogger Lesley said...

I agree with Patrick that Kaitlin should have made it, but I also miss Jay Mohr. I guess I'm the only person (besides Nikki Cox) who actually likes him.

I've got my early favorites. I think John Roy has my vote now. We'll see how they progress.

At 10:04 AM, May 31, 2006, Blogger Kat Coble said...

John, I caught that too. There were several 'name' comedians who waited on line for the open calls. Seeing that makes me want to never do stand up. Cause, really, if these people who have quasi-made it are still standing in the rain for hours to win TV time it must be a sucky business.

It's funny how after the brouhaha surrounding the LCS 2 season (contestants cherry-picked by NBC producers and good people not "voted" to continue) they keep driving home that the "audience has a choice."

Patrick, you and I are in total agreement. Jay Mohr grates on every nerve I have. I think he may have bowed out on his own for personal reasons, though. I saw him on Dinner For 5 and he went on and on about how he has major social anxiety problems. Which, given how many people loathe him, is understandable. But I imagine it would make it difficult to host a TV show.

Lesley, I've definitely got a stable of favourites going. I just really wish Kaitlin Columbo had kept going. She was easily as good as miss "Can I tell you one more joke?" who made the next call in another city.

At 12:41 PM, May 31, 2006, Blogger Malia said...

Poor Buckstar. I mean seriously couldn't they just let him through for the pure entertainment factor of it all?

At 1:21 PM, May 31, 2006, Blogger Jamie said...

Put me on the list of people that loathe Jay Mohr. If he's gone, maybe LCS is worth watching.

At 3:30 PM, June 03, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought the best part of the show was when the woman asked if they wanted to hear one more joke. That took a lot of guts and in the end turned out to be a smart move.

Another great thing about LCS is the way they edit the show so you only see the funny jokes.


"My foot has been a sleep for hours. So can you keep it down?"
-best joke of the night.

At 5:11 PM, July 07, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wasn't there a guy from the Real World that made it to vegas on LCS this year? I can't think of his name, and he got cut after the first round... anybody?

At 3:59 PM, February 10, 2025, Anonymous Cq said...



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